1.I fully expect to see other engines making improvements similar to what was done with Tracemonkey.
2.I fully expect that the Apache project will drive new innovations into Apache Geronimo at a very rapid pace over the next year or so.
3.Rest assured that these allegations are completely untrue, and we fully expect that this lawsuit will be shown to have absolutely no merit.
4.I paid $69 for a program worth $690 and I fully expect to come back her in a couple of months and tell you it was worth $6, 900.
5.Kibo: good, Can't wait to see them. I fully expect you to dance with us when this is over, okay?
6.It was lovely, and I fully expect that people will pay for the Times via the iPad.
7.Education Secretary Alan Johnson says he would "fully expect" to vote for Gordon Brown to become Labour leader.
8.And if, as we fully expect, this remarkable Chelsea team wins, dont expect the world to turn bonkers afterwards.
9.Therefore, we fully expect that the meetings now underway will bring about the actions outlined in these pages.
10.I'm sure they will match Luton's effort and commitment and after that I fully expect their extra quality to shine through.